Cyber Security News to be Thankful for in 2017

While the latest cybersecurity news has been flooded with stories of data breaches, unidentifiable hacker groups, ransomware attacks, leaked business data, sensitive voter records, and more, it’s easy to overlook some of the impressive and inherently good advancements we’ve made in 2017. This Thanksgiving I’d like to pause the negative news stories and take a…

The lessons other companies should take from the Equifax Breach

The hacking of Equifax and its consequences, as they become clearer, have wreaked havoc in the corporate world and as more information becomes available, the story once again appears to be one of negligence and procedural flaws. Because of the breach, crucial data including social security numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers among other personal…

Globalists vs. Protectionists: The history of the world is at a tipping point

Technology has brought us closer together than ever before as people across continents and oceans are using collaborative platforms to better work together, share expertise and solve the world’s problems. Social media spreads ideas. Microloan services share capital. And online marketplaces spread goods to previously unreachable markets. But there’s a backlash. Protectionist forces around the…